There’s bound to be times where you get confused with WordPress. Lucky for you, as a WordPress user, there’s a ready-made support mechanism waiting online to help you. So instead of scratching your head wondering how to fix this or that, hit up a WordPress support forum instead. 

One of the best things about working with WordPress is the community that comes with it. Thanks to online forums, help is always at hand when you’re stuck. Unlike a blind Google search, forums provide accurate and up-to-date solutions that you can bank on being reliable. 

Whether you’ve got a simple question about adding your first plugin, or something more advanced, WordPress forums can be helpful for all user levels. In this post, we’ll present the best networks across the web for all levels of expertise.

Let’s dig in!

How do Online Forums Work?

For those unfamiliar with forums, let’s briefly run through how they work. 

An online forum is like a message board where online discussions take place. Users can respond to posts, which creates a conversation others can participate in (a.k.a. the conversation thread). 

Most forums include predefined thread topics for quick reference. You can start a new thread by posting a new topic. Under these topics, members submit comments called posts. The message looks something like the one below. There’s an enclosed box with the time, date, and username of the poster. 

Online forums might seem daunting at first, with information laid out in posts and threads flowing in all directions. Once you’re familiar with the layout, and the rules, you’ll find forums a warm and safe place to seek the help you need — if you use them appropriately. 

In most cases, you will need to register and log in to post messages. Before posting, check existing threads — chances are, someone else has experienced the same problem, and there’s an answer out there already. If you ask a question, make sure it’s specific and include enough context to make sense to an outsider. This way, you’re more likely to get a response, and a valuable one at that.

Where to Find the Best WordPress Forums

In choosing a forum, the challenge is finding one that’s the right level for you. Here is our list of the best WordPress forums for all user levels.

Official Support Forums

We’ll begin with the classic and most established place to find WordPress help: the official Support Forums. If you’re new to WordPress, this is a great place to start. It’s moderated by a knowledgeable group of all-knowing WordPress volunteers who are capable of putting you on the right path.

While there are plenty of people using these forums, because questions are answered by volunteers, you might not see a response right away. So, while you won’t be waiting long for an answer, keep in mind that your question won’t be answered the moment it’s posted. This is a community-led forum with users and developers assisting each other. However,  WordPress core developers and representatives from Automattic (the company that runs also scan the forums and occasionally reply to posts.

To submit questions to the WordPress Support Forums, take care to post in the appropriate forum. Then, turn on email notifications to let you know if someone answers. It’s common practice (and helpful) to come back to your topic, once you’ve fixed an issue, and to share how you acted on the advice and if it worked for you. For a forum gold star, thank the person who gave the winning advice.

WordPress Development Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange is a well-established online forum run by and for experienced web developers with a section for WordPress support. Members have no problem getting stuck into complex topics.

Stack Exchange is a space dedicated to advanced and technical questions. Answers typically involve code, which can be quite daunting for beginners. That said, anyone can pose a question here, and answers are up and downvoted by knowledgeable members. This process of peer view results in some of the best WordPress help out there. It’s one of the best places to find friendly and quick-to-help developers. 


Reddit has become so huge for knowledge hunters that it’s surpassed Wikipedia. The dedicated WordPress subreddit is a treasure trove of information and a great place to search for answers to your problems. Thanks to a community of active users, questions are answered quickly, and quality assured through an upvote/downvote system.

Separate subreddits exist for any WordPress topic you can think of, from e-commerce to plugins and themes. Browse existing threads for coding tutorials for advanced topics, where to get the best hosting for your site, and much more. Here are some of the best subs (subreddits) you can follow and participate in:

r/WordPress: With over 67,000 members, /WordPress is the go-to for Redditers looking for WordPress help. This sub caters to general questions for beginners to knowledgeable users covering WordPress-related topics in detail. 

r/WordPress_Plugins: Head here for support on WordPress plugins. This thread contains more dedicated and technical discussions than you’ll find in the main WordPress subreddit. 

r/Wordpress_Themes – This sub contains everything from theme design job offers to advice on customization and coding.

r/ProWordPress/ This pro subreddit focuses on advanced topics. There’s not much for beginners here, but if you need assistance with WordPress API or theme development, this is the place.


Quora is an enormously popular platform where people contribute unique insights and quality answers.

Just like Reddit, Quora isn’t dedicated to WordPress — but there’s a vast amount of public WordPress-related content within the WordPress discussion boards. These divide into WordPress topics and subtopics:

One of the best aspects of Quora is the type of support available. We’re not just talking about people ambling through together. These boards attract WordPress developers and experts from popular sites dedicated to WordPress support. Given Quoras immense popularity and captive audience for said topics, these experts know people are using Quora to find help, and they provide answers for free in a bid to promote their website, skills, or brand while they’re at it.

Facebook Groups for Help

Facebook is still the most prominent social network, and as well as a great way to kill time, you can get some decent help here. While not strictly a forum format, there’s a heap of great Facebook groups about WordPress aimed at users of all levels. Thanks to the immense popularity of Facebook, these groups are vibrant and active.  Just make sure that the group has a fair amount of members and is active before joining, so you’re not describing your pain points to an echo chamber.

There are groups for specific WordPress topics, such as WordPress themes and hosting, and narrower issues like building an e-commerce store or discussion dedicated to a particular plugin. If you’re unsure where to look, try one of the following general groups, based on your experience level. 

  • WordPress for Beginners is best for newcomers to the WordPress scene.
  • Intermediate WordPress: If you’ve already got a handle of the platform, this intermediate group is the place for you.
  • Advanced WordPress: Alternatively, you can flex your advanced WordPress muscles here. This is a closed group geared toward professionals looking for and providing support on WordPress development.
  • WordPress Help and Support: A forum for asking questions and having them answered, run by a premium WordPress support provider.

Get the Best Support for Your WordPress Site

As you can see, there’s no shortage of help for WordPress when you know where to find it. If you’re just starting with WordPress and looking for help, your best bet is heading to the WordPress support forums. They’re free and cover the basics for advanced topics and guidance. You can also expect support from your web host, and more features to lighten your load if you use Managed WordPress hosting like EasyWP

Managed WordPress hosting from EasyWP takes care of the hard work and maintenance of running a WordPress website. Start publishing in seconds thanks to a one-click install and access Namecheap’s phenomenal free 24/7 customer support if you run into any problems. All this from the fastest and most affordable managed WordPress hosting around. 

Do you have a “go-to” WordPress help forum that we’ve missed from our list? Feel free to share in the comments section below.

The Most Helpful WordPress Support Forums Namecheap Blog.